You can export members from your competitor’s telegram group and add them to your group or send bulk messages to any group members. Viking Telegram Tool is an all in one telegram marketing software.I don't have the time to watch your presentation but I skimmed your slides. Even if it's in the 'cloud' but maybe where something like telegram/signal has to 'pair' each device with your account and ultimately, the user has the keys. I'd like to encourage you to consider doing something for people too.Hi Team, Can someone help me to get crack version of Telegram scrapper tool which can help me to get competitors group members without using any codes. PHP & Software Architecture Projects for ₹1500 - ₹12500.Telegram marketing is easier and a cost-effective method for promoting your business and services.The process of adding members or subscribers from other groups or channels is considered to be as Telegram scrapping. Telegram Scraper is an excellent tool for exporting competitor group and channel members and add them to your own group or channel.Remember username and password because there is no way to retrieve them!